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Your MONEY: Car Cover Lies Hit Honest Drivers for Pounds 30 Each ; CASHPOINT

Jul 9, 2007

By John Husband

FOUR million drivers have no valid car insurance - that's one in six people behind the wheel.

A new survey found 1.5 million drivers have no cover at all, and a further 2.5 million lied on their application forms, which may invalidate their policies, leaving them uninsured if they crash.

The biggest concentrations of uninsured drivers are in London, Manchester, Bradford, Birmingham and Liverpool. You are most likely to be hit by one in West Gorton, Manchester and Tottenham, Peckham and Seven Sisters in London.

A survey by money comparison website uSwitch found one in 10 motorists lies about their age, address, main driver, engine size, use of their car or past convictions to get a lower premium. But lying drivers can face a fine, points and a typical pounds 1,636 claim if they crash.

Third parties cannot claim against an invalid policy. Instead the Motor Insurers' Bureau pays - last year it forked out pounds 350million for 36,000 claims, adding almost pounds 30 to honest drivers' premiums.

MONEY ADVICE: Lies on a proposal form could add six penalty points to your licence and lead to a pounds 5,000 fine.

(c) 2007 Daily Mirror. Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning. All rights Reserved.

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