Grand Forks Leaf Collection Starts Soon
Oct 2, 2007By Grand Forks Herald, N.D.
Oct. 3--Grand Forks Vacuum Leaf Collection will begin on Monday with crews planning to make two complete passes through town. Weather permitting, the leaf collection is expected to take 3-4 weeks to complete.
To take advantage of vacuum leaf collection, residents can pile leaves loosely on between curbs and sidewalks and away from obstacles such as trees and mailboxes. Streets and gutters must remain clear of debris. No bagged leaves or leaves placed in containers will be collected from residences.
Residents may also take yard waste to compost sites on their own through November 15th. Please remove plastic bags when depositing leaves at the sites. For listings of your local yard waste drop off sites, refer to your City Calendar & Services Guide, the city webpage at, or call the Public Information Center at (701) 746-4636.
North Dakota car insurance keeps its record
For the second year in the row, auto insurance in North Dakota has ranked as the least expensive in the nation.
Rebecca Ternes, acting North Dakota Insurance Commissioner announced today that North Dakotans enjoy the lowest average auto insurance premiums in the nation, according to a report issued by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.
North Dakota's average annual auto insurance expenditure of $554.30 is 33% lower than the national average of $829.17. According to the report, New Jersey, the District of Columbia and New York rank as the most expensive states for auto insurance. North Dakota as the least expensive state is followed by Iowa and South Dakota.
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