Divide Seen in U.S. Alien ID Issuance
Oct 3, 2007 A schism in tolerance for illegal U.S. immigrants is developing as some cities and states issue identification as other areas ban it, USA Today reported.In Oklahoma, a law is to take effect next month that forbids issuing drivers licenses or any other form of identification to illegal immigrants while New York and Connecticut have opposite policies, the newspaper said.New York Motor Vehicles Commissioner David Swarts said licenses for illegal immigrants was a policy of New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, who he said believes it's important to bring a significant population in New York state out of the shadows Â… (and) allow them to participate in the economy.....We are unable to display this entire news item because this article's licensing expires after a certain amount of time. This article was originally published by United Press International and it may be available at their website. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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