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EDITORIAL: In-Car Cameras Give Parents Keen Vision of Teen Drivers

Oct 13, 2007

By South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Oct. 14--A parents'-eye view of teen driving

Ever wanted to be a fly on the window when your teenager is at the wheel -- as long as you could be assured you wouldn't be squished on the trip, that is?

Well, the miracles of modern technology have delivered just such a device to market, and several U.S. auto insurers are even offering the in-car cameras and global positioning equipment so you can monitor your teenager as she navigates the road.

The goal is to chip away at the high incidents of crashes involving young drivers, which kill more American teens than any other single factor. And it's a sound premise, because knowing a parent is watching can have a powerful effect on teen behavior, maybe even more than peer influence.

If the technology is successful at cutting the teen crash rate, Florida's top auto insurers should not hesitate to offer the program to its policyholders in the Sunshine State.


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